Paris Wanna Live Forever

Celebrities ‘Wish list’ can never come to an end. They always want to do something unusual. its Paris Hilton this time who wants to be frozen after her death with her dogs, don’t you feel that’s totally crazy. Well that’s what stars are about!Hilton has placed a request that her body should be preserved for a 100 years and not alone but with her dogs. It was revealed that Hilton has invested a huge amount to the Cryonics Institute. It is the world’s largest suspended animation cemetery. The amount which Hilton has given has not been disclosed.
Hilton expressed her joy when she spoke about this. She said that it was really cool that almost all the cells in the body are still alive when death is pronounced, and if you’re immediately cooled you can be perfectly preserved. She was so happy with the mere thought that her life could be extended for hundreds and thousands of years.
Hilton earlier also said that her previous lifestyle was only partying and partying which left her with an empty feeling inside and with the regular headline grabber stating that she wishes to ‘leave a mark on the world’. Now that Hilton has started this new craze, we will soon see the other celebrities too wanting to live forever.

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